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Thinking Space Technology
Myths About Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Artificial intelligence (AI) polarises. Our ideas, expectations and fears with regard to AI are many and varied. Which of these myths are true? Which are false? [1]

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Myth I
Artificial intelligence destroys jobs because cognitive systems can perform many tasks more accurately, with greater speed and without errors. True or false? [2]
Myth II
Artificial intelligence eludes human control and could, in the worst case, act against the will of its developers. True or false? [3]
Myth III
AI can be creative. The pop hits and the novels of the future will probably be written by machines. True or false? [4]
Myth IV
A medical tricorder like the one that measures the vital functions of humans in the science fiction series “Star Trek” will never exist. True or false? [5]
Myth V
In many cases, not even the creators of AI algorithms themselves understand exactly why the programmes chose a certain solution or made a certain decision. True or false? [6]
Myth VI
An AI will always make its decisions in the interests of its programmers or clients. True or false? [7]
Myth VII
In decisions of life and death, AI has no place. It should never make decisions that affect our health. True or false? [8]
Myth IIX
In today’s medicine, AI is already making diagnoses and independent decisions that affect people’s lives. True or false? [10]
Myth IX
AI creates artificial brains. True or false? [11]
What’s that?
Cognitive systems
Cognitive systems are equipped with artificial intelligence and based on deep learning processes – a method of machine learning – and neural networks. They can learn from mistakes and successes, recognise patterns and develop themselves further. Modern cognitive systems interact with humans (https://industrie-wegweiser.de...).
Weak artificial intelligence (AI)
Weak AI solves concrete and limited problems by using tools taken from mathematics and computer science that have been developed and optimised with those particular challenges in mind. Weak AI has the ability to learn and to deal with uncertainty and probabilities. (https://jaai.de/starke-ki-schw...)
A sensor is a technological component that determines physical or chemical properties such as temperature, humidity and pressure as well as the material composition of its environment. These variables are detected by means of physical or chemical effects and converted into electrical signals.
Neural network
An artificial neural network (ANN) is modelled on the structure of the biological brain with its nerve cells. An ANN consists of interconnected neurons, that is, units for information processing. By arranging and linking the neurons, the ANN is able to solve tasks in the fields of statistics, technology and economics by means of computer-based processes.
An algorithm is a defined procedure according to which a task can be solved step by step. In the form of computer programmes and electronic circuits, algorithms control computers and other machines. (https://www.dev-insider.de/was...)
The term chatbot is formed from the words “chat” and “robot”. The online dialogue system accepts and recognises requests in the form of text or speech and replies without any direct human involvement. (https://industrie-wegweiser.de...)
[1] All myths and answers have been taken from the following YouTube video published by the Fraunhofer Institute: https://www.youtube.com/watch?...
[2] Source: Prof. Dr. Christian Bauckhage, Fraunhofer-Institut für Intelligente Analyse- und Informationssysteme IAIS, YouTube video from 00:06
[3] Source: Prof. Dr. Christian Bauckhage, Fraunhofer-Institut für Intelligente Analyse- und Informationssysteme IAIS, YouTube video from 01:15
[4] Source: Dr. Stefan Rüping, Fraunhofer-Institut für Intelligente Analyse- und Informationssysteme IAIS, YouTube video from 02:49
[5] Dr. Hans Meine, Fraunhofer-Institut für Bildgeschützte Medizin MEVIS, YouTube video from 04:51
[6] Dr. Wojciech Samek, Fraunhofer-Institut für Nachrichtentechnik, Heinrich-Hertz-Institut HHI, YouTube video from 07:11
[7] Sebastian Roland Lapuschkin, Fraunhofer-Institut für Nachrichtentechnik, Heinrich-Hertz-Institut HHI, YouTube video from 12:56
[8] Dr. Markus Wenzel, Fraunhofer-Institut für Bildgestützte Medizin MEVIS, YouTube video from 14:14
[9] Dr. Markus Wenzel, Fraunhofer-Institut für Bildgestützte Medizin MEVIS, YouTube video from 15:41
[10] Dr. Hans Meine, Fraunhofer-Institut für Bildgestützte Medizin MEVIS, YouTube video from 17:13
[11] Dr. Hans Meine, Fraunhofer-Institut für Bildgeschützte Medizin MEVIS, YouTube video from 18:26