Three people look at exhibits in the lab

It's all about ideas


Discover fresh ideas for the future in the Showcase, our interactive exhibition space in the Futurium Lab.

Photo: David von Becker

A graphic of the Futurium with the theme of raw materials. Fungi, algae, plants and sand can be seen on the façade

Treasures of the future - new ideas for the circular economy

The Raw Materials in the Lab theme year

How can we make better use of our raw materials? New strategies and solutions are presented in the lab. A comprehensive understanding of the topic of raw materials and alternative materials opens up paths to a more sustainable future. By researching, experimenting and asking questions together, we can explore where these paths will lead us. So let's set off on our journey!

There is a different person behind every idea. The works were developed for the Futurium Lab by "future makers", a range of scientists, designers and artists, all with a focus on the future. They come from totally different fields. Short films show how they developed their ideas.

You can touch and try out many of the pieces on display. We will develop individual exhibits as part of the Open Lab. Come by and join in!

You don't have to be an engineer or computer expert to shape the future. Artists, craftspeople or philosophers are just as important.

David Weigend, Head of Education and Participation at Futurium

All objects of the current annual theme Raw Materials

People view exhibits behind glass

Circulating materials

Hidden Treasures

Contemporary society has a pervasive and insatiable desire for resources. The extraction of these materials, however, has the potential to cause significant harm to humans and the surrounding envir...


Spaces of possibility between art and research


As part of an artistic research project the Berlin based studio ATELIER-E explored which influence the arrangement of a molecule has on the properties of a material. Their investigation led to the ...

Hands reach across an illuminated table

Create a Circular Smartphone Economy


The game "RRRRRR" from IMAGINARY takes us on a journey through the circular economy. The central idea revolves around the valuable materials found in smartphones, including gold, silver, copper, li...

Plants grow under glass domes

What if…?

The Outside Inside

When is ‘nature’ no longer ‘natural’? How can design assist in reframing the human as not separate from or above nature, but as part of it? At what point does biology become technology? Designer an...

And here are the exhibits from the previous theme years!

Annual Theme Democracy

Two hands operate the controller of a game called “Citizen Quest”.

Hilf der Stadt, eine gute Entscheidung zu treffen!

Citizen Quest

In dem Exponat “Citizen Quest” haben Spieler*innen die Aufgabe, demokratische Entscheidungsprozesse in einer virtuellen Stadt voranzubringen. Verschiedene Geschichten definieren das Spielsetting. S...

A hand points to a map with many colorful, labeled bars.

How data can strengthen our interactions

Data Correlations

How can we use data to improve democracy? That is what the installation "Data Correlations" by Studio Brüll aims to ...

A woman stands in front of a screen and presses a button with her hand.

How can we influence opinions?


Have you already liked a YouTube video, shared a post on Instagram, or left a comment on TikTok today? What kind of posts grab your attention? Which channels do you spend most of your time on? And ...

A person is standing in a polling booth, the curtain is half drawn.

Say Cheese!

Smile to Vote

There’s an election coming up! Let’s head to the nearest polling station. Step into the voting booth, a quick smile, and we’re done… At least according to

Annual Theme Mobility

A person looks at a graphic that is beamed onto a wall

Spielerische Prototypen für die Stadt der Zukunft

Fantastic Mobility

Wie könnte Mobilität in der Stadt der Zukunft aussehen? Mit welchen Fahrzeugen könnten wir uns fortbewegen? Mit der Installation Fantastic Mobility von

A person looks at colourful elements arranged on a luminous table in front of him. In the background are colourful graphics

Von der Zukunft lernen

Future Mobility Simulator

Für die Mobilität der Zukunft gibt es viele Ideen, doch manche Idee erzeugt neue Probleme. Deshalb nutzen Wissenschaftler*innen und Stadtplaner*innen Simulationen, um ihre Ideen zu testen, bevor si...

Fahrende Mobilitätswerkstatt

Mit urbanen Interventionen Mobilität neu entdecken

Fahrende Mobilitätswerkstatt

Das Kunstkollektiv N55 und der Designer Till Wolfer wollen unseren Blick auf urbane Mobilität revolutionieren. Ihre Aktionen und Erfindungen zeigen, wie man mit ei...

A cylindrical house made up of many small elements in the Futurium Lab

Living on the move

Hybrid Catalogue House

Why should we only live in one place? The design collective Refunc has developed a future vision of short-term settlement ...


Citizen science for a bike-friendly city


Sustainable, compact and healthy, bikes are a crucial means of urban transportation. For many people, they’re the future of urban travel itself. But cobblestones, narrow bike lanes, heavy motor tra...