Graphic: Polygraph Design
Thinking space people
Where to begin?
Making do with less can be hard – but is doable. Decluttering our daily lives also has a good side. But how to get started?

Graphic: Polygraph Design
For a sustainable lifestyle we really ought not to consume any more than two tons of the greenhouse gas CO2 per person per year. In Germany it’s currently more than ten tons per person. We often don’t have any idea of the “consumption sins” we’re committing every day and we seldom call our own personal habits into question. Where can we – and where do we want to – make cutbacks? There is almost nothing that we have to completely forego for our lifestyle to be more sustainable; just an appropriate level of consumption will suffice. Decluttering our daily lives also has a good side: Anyone able to live more frugally can work less and has more time for all of life’s otherwise neglected joys. But how to get started? Many people and projects from all over the world are already demonstrating how it is possible to live a pleasurable life with “less”.