Futures of urban mobility

Things are on the move

Mobility in our cities is changing rapidly: more and more cities are creating central car-free zones. Electric vehicles are taking over the streets and pavements. And smartphones show us where traffic jams are in real time. At the same time, traffic is still responsible for more than 20 percent of annual CO2 emissions in Germany. That's why scientists and artists are looking for new solutions to shape urban mobility in the future. The Futurium Lab shows which ideas and prototypes scientists and artists are working on today and how they go about it.

David von Becker

Three big questions

For a long time, the principle of mobility boiled down to just getting as fast as possible from A to B. That’s why cities became so car-friendly: the answer to almost all mobility problems was more roads, more parking spaces, more motorways. Since then, the view of mobility has changed dramatically. The climate crisis, congested city centres and high levels of air pollution have led us to a rethink of this car-centric standard. Mobility scientists like Andreas Knie say: "You have to reinvent the city and actually get back to its roots.” Three big questions are on the minds of many scientists and urban planners today: How can mobility become more climate-friendly? How can it be more resource-efficient? And how can it increase the quality of life in cities instead of reducing it? Five possible answers:

A person looks at colourful elements arranged on a luminous table in front of him. In the background are colourful graphics

Von der Zukunft lernen

Future Mobility Simulator

Für die Mobilität der Zukunft gibt es viele Ideen, doch manche Idee erzeugt neue Probleme. Deshalb nutzen Wissenschaftler*innen und Stadtplaner*innen Simulationen, um ihre Ideen zu testen, bevor si...

A person looks at a graphic that is beamed onto a wall

Spielerische Prototypen für die Stadt der Zukunft

Fantastic Mobility

Wie könnte Mobilität in der Stadt der Zukunft aussehen? Mit welchen Fahrzeugen könnten wir uns fortbewegen? Mit der Installation Fantastic Mobility von

A cylindrical house made up of many small elements in the Futurium Lab

Living on the move

Hybrid Catalogue House

Why should we only live in one place? The design collective Refunc has developed a future vision of short-term settlement ...


Citizen science for a bike-friendly city


Sustainable, compact and healthy, bikes are a crucial means of urban transportation. For many people, they’re the future of urban travel itself. But cobblestones, narrow bike lanes, heavy motor tra...

Fahrende Mobilitätswerkstatt

Mit urbanen Interventionen Mobilität neu entdecken

Fahrende Mobilitätswerkstatt

Das Kunstkollektiv N55 und der Designer Till Wolfer wollen unseren Blick auf urbane Mobilität revolutionieren. Ihre Aktionen und Erfindungen zeigen, wie man mit ei...