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Discover, discuss, experiment – Futurium offers you lots of different ways to get involved in shaping the future. We are going to celebrate Futurium’s opening with a Futures Festival. Because...
The time has come: Futurium is open. Visitors have been exploring the Haus der Zukünfte since Thursday evening. In the exhibition, in the lab, in the forum - there is something for everyone here....
We're overwhelmed! 550 visitors came to the opening of Futurium. Here are some impressions from the ceremony:
Do you ever think about what work will look like in the future and how we’re going to go about our daily business? You might even have answered a few questions on these topics in the exhibition....
In pursuit of the energy turnaround, many have been pinning their hopes on solar energy. However, according to estimates from the US Department of Energy (DOE), around 30 percent of solar radiation...
By Stefan Brandt – How we will live in the future depends on us. The clearer we grasp and reflect on the state of our world today, the clearer the ideas we associate with "the future" will...