Photo: Ali Ghandtschi

What a fuss!

Robots among themselves ...

Some time ago, Futurium invited ordinary citizens to help with the development of the robot theatre. In the first workshop, a theatre dramaturg and a puppeteer teamed up with the participants to come up with suggestions for what such a theatrical robot might look like: cuddly, perhaps? Or with tentacles? Or even like a flying car? In a second writing workshop, initial ideas for the robots’ dialogue were developed.

Photo: Ali Ghandtschi


These ideas have recently been updated. Our exhibition team was wondering about the sort of issues that might be gnawing away at the robots and discovered: some are marvelling at humans, others are in the middle of an existential crisis, and then there are those with big plans for a career in space – so nothing out of the ordinary there!

See in three episodes what makes Robo, Fluffy and AI tick:

Episode One: The broken-down human being?!

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Episode Two: Tutoring robots

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Episode Three: Off into Space!

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