Medical Robots
Here we show you where robots are already being used in medicine today.

Surgical Assistant da Vinci
At the Immanuel Klinik Rüdersdorf near Berlin, robot-assisted surgery is already happening today. The surgical assistant system “da Vinci” is there to help during surgery, but the steering of the system remains at all times under the control of the surgeons operating it.
Intelligent Medical Trolley
Robotic solutions for residential care: the intelligent medical trolley and a so-called “ServiceAssistent” have already been tried and tested at old people’s homes and in hospitals. The medical trolley drives around autonomously and can be navigated by care staff via smartphone. It puts out dressings or laundry, for example, and spares the staff from having to do too much walking, as well as saving them time spent documenting the quantities of used care products. Among other things, the ServiceAssistent can bring drinks to patients and residents.