Talk on the future of democracy
Digital, direct, by lot: How we want to participate politically in the future?
On the occasion of the Bundestag elections in fall 2021, Z2X and Futurium, in cooperation with the German Federal Cultural Foundation, had invited to discuss and think ahead about the future of democracy.

Democracy thrives on the participation of each and every individual. Today, however, only a few participate much and many little - or not at all. At version21, we therefore addressed the question: Digital, direct, by lot: How do we want to participate politically in the future?
What concrete new ideas and approaches are there for what political participation could look like in the future? Will we all participate in citizens' councils or will nationwide referendums become the norm? Will there be voting rights for all? And to what extent do we also have to consider non-human beings and future generations? We discussed these questions with our guests in the third edition of version21 on July 10 2021.
The guests
- Gün Tank, author, moderator and representative for people with disabilities in a Berlin district
- Dr. Jan Eichhorn, partner and research director of the think tank d|part
- Katharina Liesenberg, founder & board member es geht LOS und mehr als wählen e. V.