Photo: Mandy Klötzer
Guiding Principles
Futurium is a vibrant place for everyone and stands for the free and open exchange of ideas and for the discussion of possible futures.
At our House of Futures, we spend our time searching for answers to the question “How do we want to live?”. We view holistically the thematic areas human, nature and technology and provide ideas and food for thought for ways of shaping the future in a sustainable manner.
We presentdifferent concepts of the future – from the areas of science, politics, business, culture and civil society – and highlight their potential impacts. In doing so, we operate in a manner that is international, independent and networked.
Together with our visitors, we continue to develop and advance Futurium. The options for the future presented in the exhibitions are designed for interaction; the discussions in the Forum promote controversial debate; and the activities in the Lab are centred on trying things out. As a venue for education and science communication, our goal is to convey scientific findings and concrete applications in the most accessible manner possible.
In this way, we encourage people to take part in shaping a sustainable world of tomorrow.

Photo: Mandy Klötzer